Karate instructors
Our karate instructors bring with them over years of experience in Wado Kai Karate. Their teachings and guidance have brought many Stadium Karate members to black belt level. Check out our fully Garda vetted and experienced instructors below and get in touch if you have any queries!
Sensei Jimmy Harte
Jimmy began training in Martial Arts at 16 years of age in 1983. As many students do, he spent some of his early years experimenting in different styles, ranging from Taekwon-Do to Kenpo.
His list of qualifications are: 6th Dan JKF, 2nd Kyu JKF Instructor and 2nd Kyu JKF Examiner. Sensei Jimmy is the first JKF Wadokai karateka in Ireland to receive the honor of 2nd Kyu Instructor Licence after passing his examination in front of the 7 man JKF Wadokai Technical Committee Panel in Tokyo in January 2020.
He travels extensively so as to maintain his high level and knowledge so as to be able to educate his students with the most up to date JKF Wadokai techniques and principles.
In addition, Jimmy has been an instructor since receiving his 1st Dan and has trained with many experienced instructors both in Ireland and abroad. He currently holds his ONAKAI WKF Referee A Licence and an NTC coaching cert. In addition, he holds a first aid certificate and has been Garda vetted.
He has competed at the FEW’s representing Ireland in Kumite. Jimmy is also currently IWKA Kata squad coach.
Sensei Neil Harte
Neil began training in Wado-Kai Karate at the age of 6 at ALSAA Karate. He received his 1st Dan JKF black belt in 2007 at the age of 15 and followed it with his 2nd Dan JKF at the age of 21 in 2012, 3rd Dan JKF in 2015 ,4th Dan JKF in 2019 and 5th Dan in 2023 he also has a 3rd KYU JKF instructor Licence and a 3rd KYU JKF Examiners Licence, a very impressive accomplishment at such a young age.
Neil has been an Instructor since 2012.
Neil has competed in many competitions, both in Ireland and abroad, and has accumulated numerous medals and trophies over the years in both Kata and Kumite. He is also a member of both the ONAKAI national & IWKA squad.
Like Sensei Jimmy Harte, Neil has trained with many instructors including Sensei Takagi,Sensei Sonoda, Sensei Shimura, Sensei Kohata, Sensei Sasaki, Sensei Sakagami, Sensei Nishimura, Sensei Peter May,Sensei Nukina, Sensei Roberto Danubio plus most of JKF Wadokai senior instructors from the JKF Wadokai Technical Committee in Japan.
Plus Kumite specialists
Sensei Antonio Oliva, Sensei Junior Lefevre, Sensei Rene Smaal, Sensei Tom Scott, Sensei Alexsandra Recchia plus many more
Sensei Paul Whinnery

Paul Whinnery began training in Wado-Ryu karate in Northern Ireland at the age of 5 under the auspices of his father (Paul Whinnery Senior 4th Dan). After 10 years of training he achieved the grade of Shodan, and 3 years later passed his Nidan at the age of 18. Now training under Sensei’s Jimmy and Neil Harte, Paul achieved his JKF 3rd Dan in 2020, 4th Dan in 2021 and 5th Dan in Japan in 2023, Paul also passed his 3rd KYU JKF instructors examination and is now also holds a JKF 3rd KYU Examiner Licence, Paul is very excited about the future of Stadium karate under these two extremely dedicated JKF instructors.
By the age of 24 Paul had become a successful karate competitor within Ireland, winning every title in Northern Ireland in both kumite and kata at junior and senior level and 2 All-Ireland medals, whilst medalling at the British Championships, Jersey Open, the Scottish Grand Prix, and in recent years at the Irish Open and FEW European championships. Paul was also very fortunate to captain Northern Ireland at U21 level, competing in numerous EKF championships in both kumite and kata at U21 and senior level.
Paul currently holds ONAKAI Kata Judge A and Kumite Judge B qualifications. He has also many years of experience as an instructor having been Chief instructor of the Karate-Do Wado-Kai Ireland (K.W.I) association in Belfast prior to moving to Dublin.