Wado Kai Syllabus Karate
Wado Kai Karate belts grading system is broken down into units known as Kyu grades. A cross-section of exercises is required in order to progress to the next level.
Children under 16 are split up into sub Kyu grades known as Mon grades.
In order to train you must have a current license. Get in contact with us for an application form.
There are 8 grades to be completed as part of the Wado Kai karate belts grading system before training for black belt. The time required to do this varies.
Normally a student training twice a week can expect to reach black belt in 5-7 years. However, it is possible for students who train harder to achieve this level a bit faster.
Each of the following techniques must be performed numerous times as part of the Wado Kai Karate belts grading system. This is to ensure your sensei is satisfied that you are proficient in the subject area.
- Kihon Waza covers basic techniques.
- Renkei Waza focuses on combination techniques. These build on the basic techniques and assess your ability to put them to more effective use.
- Ippon Kumite is one-step-sparring. You will be partnered and perform short combinations of attack and defence with your partner. Your attack and defence of the following areas will be assessed during this process:
- Jodan on the head.
- Chudan Uke, the torso.
- Maegeri Uke, against kicks.
Kihon Kumite (‘Basic’ Sparring)
Kumite, focuses on a pre-arranged sequences of moves. This exercise focuses on relying on body shifting or deflection. In addition, a simultaneous counterattack is required rather than explicit blocks used in previous exercises.
Kata Katas are pre-arranged sequences of moves.
Wado Kai Karate Belts grading System
Below is the Wado Kai Karate belts grading system structure, starting with 9th Ryu. Click each individual grade for the belt requirements. If you have any queries regarding progression when transferring from a different club or country, please get in touch and we will be happy to discuss.
Grading is always conducted by at least 2 Qualified Japan JKF Wadokai Instructors.
(LOW, WIDE STANCE/PUNCH) (LOW, WIDE STANCE/UPPER BLOCK) (READY STANCE, FRONT SNAP PUNCH) (FIGHTING STANCE, FRONT SNAP PUNCH, OPPOSITE PUNCH) (FIGHTING STANCE/FRONT KICK) Kihon waza, dachi/tsuki/keri/uke Basic techniques, stance, punch, kick, block Kihon waza, zuki/keri Renraku waza (combination techniques) Kata Pinan nidan Kihon-tsuki/keri Renraku waza (combination tech) Maegeri-mawashigeri-gyakazuki Sanbon gumite Chudan soto uke Kata Pinan shodan Kihon waza tsuki-keri Renraku waza Sanbon gumite Ohyu gumite Ipponme Kata Pinan sandan Jiyu kumite Kihon waza tsuki-keri Renraku waza Sanbon gumite Ohyu gumite Nihonme Kata Pinan yodan Jiyu kumite Kihon waza tsuki/keri Renraku waza Sanbon gumite Candidates must be familiar with all 4 jodan uke techniques and also all 6 maegeri uke techniques as they will be asked to perform any 2 of each. Ohyu gumite Sanbonme Kata Pinan godan Jiyu kumite Kihon waza Renraku waza Ohyu gumite Ipponme, nihonme, yohonme Kihon kumite Ipponme, nihonme, 1, 2 Kata Kushanku Kihon waza tsuki/keri Renraku waza Ohyu gumite Kihon kumite Kata Naihanchi Kihon waza Renraku waza Ohyu gumite- no. 5, no.6, no.7 Kihon kumite Roponme, nanahonme, 6, 7 Kata Chinto Kihon waza tsuki/keri Renraku waza Ohyu gumite Numbers 1-4 Kihon kumite Numbers 1-4 Kata Kushanku, chinto/basai, pinan kata on day Jiyu kumite
(low, wide stance/punch)
(low, wide stance/upper block)
(low, wide stance/downward sweep)
(forward stance/upper block/opposite punch)
(backward stance/downward sweep/opposite punch)
(fighting stance/front kick)
(fighting stance/side kick)
(fighting stance/front kick/step back/opposite punch)
(straight punch, turning upper block)
(opposite punch, turning downward sweep)
(front kick-snap punch)
(one step front kick-snap punch)
(front kick-opposite punch)
(one step front kick-opposite punch)
Surikomi maegeri-mawashigeri-gyakazuki
Ghudan uchi uke
Chudan maegeri uke gohonme (5)
Chudan maegeri uke ropponme (6)